

22 ▪︎ call me bean ▪︎ she/he ▪︎ uninspired and useless for now

フォロー数:34 フォロワー数:1711

just svnnie showing of her split

58 343

well isn't it the consequences of my own actions

8 104

svngie just confessed that she's moving companies and wo0 started crying. She understood and accepted ye0's choice, but it still kind of hurt.

seeing how she made the situation even worse, she quickly smooched ye0 forgetting that her friend has never kissed before...

39 207

i guess, they didn't stop on kissing

100 569

i gave up on drawing background, so let's just *imagine* it is a library setting

119 780

pre debvt hcngjo0ng
you rarely see her at school and when you do she's either at her phone, listening to music, or at her laptop, extremely concentrated, and yes, size *shmoll*

48 260

predebvt jcngh0, as most desirable student
you see her everywhere: in a basketball, baseball, volleyball team, she sings or plays guitar on different events, she takes pictures for photography club and so much more
she is everywhere and u always hope to see her

60 298

pre debvt m1ng1 as everyone's favorite nerd
yeah, she has braces and those weard looking bangs, but in the end she is the biggest softie you'll ever know

60 313

pre debvt secnghwv, the unaware one
she have no idea how she makes everyone feel, and yes, she covers half of her face, because she's not quite confident yet

54 315

remind me not to do this again, or at least not before i'll buy a better tablet

43 268