

Jonathan Squeamer - he and him - I've got a bullet wound, I've got a scratch on my forehead, I've got a big bite taken out of my side

フォロー数:624 フォロワー数:169

YOU HAVE EARNED A NEW PARTY MEMBER! Well, go on, [tell us a bit about yourself, little guy!]

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Using your VITOPLASMIC MAGIC, you breath new life into this Inanimate Effigy, giving the meaningless object a soul of its own!

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It seems to be some sort of Lifeless, Inanimate Effigy!

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[Can somebody PLEASE tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!]

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After digging for what seems like hours, you finally see it! A sliver of sunlight pours through the crumbling sewer rock! Gazing through the crack in the wall-my god, it's beautiful! [What is it that you see?]

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You tie him in a knot!

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