

Hey I do the art thing | they/she | 21 | thanks for stopping by! 🌸 my twitch is twitch.tv/scribbleboiii pfp by the amazing @oopstheyredead :D

フォロー数:965 フォロワー数:831

Congrats on 2K!! Hi I’m Talia and here’s some of my recent art, I’m currently aiming for 300! <3

4 10

Woo congrats on 500!!! Hiya I’m Talia and here’s some of my recent art stuffs, I would love to hit 300! <3

3 10

Congrats on 6.2K!! Hiya I’m Talia and here’s some of my recent art, I’m aiming for 300! <3

3 12

CONGRATS MOON!!!! Hi I’m Talia and here’s some of my most recent art stuffs, I’d love to hit 300! <3

1 13

Congrats on 2K!!! Hi I’m Talia and here’s some of my recent art stuffs <3

2 8

Hiya!!! I’m Talia and here’s some of my art stuffs!! <3

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Congrats on 2.5k!! I’m Talia and here’s some of my art stuffs <3

1 5

Congrats!! Hi I’m Talia and here’s some of my art stuffs <3

3 4

Hi! I’m Talia and here’s some of my art, I’m aiming for 300! <3

2 10

Congrats on 1.7k!! Hi I’m Talia and here’s some of my art, I would love to hit 300! <3

4 13