

She/They🌻 Freelance Illustrator and Mini Painting Hobbyist 🖌 You can call me Scribes!💙 18+ content over @spicyscribes ✨

フォロー数:1525 フォロワー数:1167

My first huevember piece, featuring my ex-flame legion Charr, Ptolemy Baelfang 🔥☄️I’ll post the greyscale version later!

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Thanks for the opportunity!💙 Here is my Commander, Dietrich!

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And then of the boys...from Cassigator, hungry Hobbits, and novakete!

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Art of my sweet Eunome from Mabaki,scruu,szallejh & novakete

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Hello lovelies 💙 I wanted to give a heads up that I'll be taking a bit of a social media break.If ur in contact with me for a giveaway piece or AT those are being worked on and will be sent over when finished. Commissions are closed for the rest of the year. Love you all!💖

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It's officially my 8th anniversary! I can't believe I've been part of this wonderful community for so long. Here's a piece of Rioko when I first created her in game vs. Now!

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The necromancer set of my pieces 💀😈 Sharing again since it’s spooky season!

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Working on my Miku stands. She’s so cute! 🥺✨💖

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