

Weird animal person | Blue fluffdragon | Train-liker | Sometimes Arcanine, sometimes sergal | Left as heck | He/him | DP by @sammythetanuki

フォロー数:896 フォロワー数:2986

Due to all of the confusion over my character's name, I've decided it's time for a change - I'm embracing being a sea dragon with my new character here!

Of course, while CD is optical media, this fella's all about network storage, so say hello to Landragom!

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I now have the perfect response to bad posts

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You all know what today is, right?

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idk why but I've had the strong urge to make stickers lately

0 13

me reacting to that post you made

(thanks !)

1 14

I actually coloured it in, hooray!

0 32

...I'm wearing nothing at all!

0 15

Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!

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