

Fan of Toku,comics,movies,anime,tv shows,video games, other nerdy things plus any media/genre, and random tweeter.

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:316

is a nice issue about Linda’s new book which she based of her life an people she meet! The ending to the issue has a big reveal that will effect the future of the flash! art is very well done in the issue. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

6 18

this is another fun what if issue that has a interesting variant of Thor with a cool twist at the end. art is wickedly brutal! Can not wait to see the Avengers army in action in the upcoming Avengers event

3 7

This is another fun issue! All the flash family get moments that are good & may be important in the future. was so good an unique for each alternate earth. This is a important issue for both flash fans & fans of the event!

4 17

This is a epic crossover that I see fans of both franchises can enjoy! With some cool action, easy to understand story, & a cool premise. Plus great art by an writing makes me hyped for more!

15 60

From trial of watcher by & you can see Frank venom on this page

2 18

This is Great first issue it’s action packed, easy to follow, & sometimes funny. & did a great job with all the stories! Plus so many talented artists killed it with there art!

3 23

is another fun issue of this magic team up arc we get a great balance of Wally & his twins stories, plus some awesome action panels art from & can’t wait to see how this arc wraps up next issue

6 9

I love Speedsters so this issue was like made for me. It’s a great look at Blur character plus a fun race in another dimension , was spectacular to the eyes & so was

3 7

How I feel as a comic reader

21 106