

graphic design. weightlifting. warhammer painting. tough crowd. gribbly guy. craic n destroy. card game enthusiast.

フォロー数:196 フォロワー数:1178

Looks like Waaaghnarok is getting a new opening act

3 20

Maybe it’s from growing up in the desert or I’ve just seen Mad Max too many times, but I loooove painting rusty black metal.

0 10

Recent conversations have led me back to revisiting one of my longtime favourites, Frank Frazetta.

So good, so inspiring. Colours transfer to models really well and just a treat to look at his work.

1 22

What if its like the Skesis and the Mystics from the dark crystal and the duardin and the aelves melded together to create the realm lords?

0 5

“I wish it need not have happened in my time”

1 7

Personally I like the actual design of the Deep Cut Studios swamps the most as they don't have all the walkways / docks / etc. So it gives the swamp vibe without feeling like you have to set up the map a certain way

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