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couldn't sleep, but #kaijune is a thing.... so here is a beetle monster.
#kaijune2018 #kaiju #beetle #monster #cantsleep #longday
Here is a bunch of little warmup doodles from the month of modok.
@MarchMODOKMad #marchmodokmadness #modok #warmups #doodles
In celebration of both #monsterhunter with the upcoming Devil Jho release and #marchmodokmadness here is a Devil Jho-dok.
#modok #deviljho #mhw #MMM @MarchMODOKMad
Another amazing MHW design… Paolumu!!! The cutest!!!
#monsterhunterworld #monsterhunter #monhun #paolumu #pastels #5color #floatonby #fanart
I love the new monster designs in MHW. Here is one cutie Pukei Pukei. #MonsterHunterWorld #fanart #pukeipukei #doodles
Weary skeleton blocks your path.
#stickers #skeleton #sword #shield #thoseteeth
Another sticker from my Inktober 2017 stuff. You can see the growing collection at: https://t.co/22jEoiIKMC
#MarketingMonday #inktober2017 #stickers #redbubble #pumpkin #yeahistillhavetheflu #walkthisway
Sculptris model of the Petrified Hammer from Monster Hunter. So excited for Monster Hunter World.
#3december #3dcember #monsterhunter #MHWorld #3dsculpting #sculptris #fanart