

フォロー数:4911 フォロワー数:1148

And the last ones for today for my friend thanks to help to build community... great work good community of people, AIPES Forever......

4 9

what a great collection, thanks a los for share this amazing art itsuki is a powerfull woman driven community, I like it all woman's here, I can't choose.... love this art..

4 9

I find my AIPE twin, more machina AIPE...
thanks a lot KIN GAPE...

7 25

I find my AIPE twin, Machina AIPE, so great art..
thanks a lot KIN GAPE...

10 35

I find my AIPE twin, machine AIPE of this MAYC
thanks a lot KIN GAPE...

10 28

I find my AIPE twin, difficult to search but finally..
thanks a lot KIN GAPE... this is your MAYC/AIPE twin my friend.....

15 43

I find my AIPE twin.. MAYC hope find the holder to see this beautiful art...

10 35

We own this AIPESHIT revealed is comming guys.... TICK TACK.......

20 60