

Storyboard Artist. Inactive Twitter! Working.

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:43

art request for my brothers birthday

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15_Nosoi record the circumstances of each mortal’s death, any judgments for and against its soul, and its final destination. But unlike more tireless, mechanical outsiders, nosois are prone to whims, boasting contests, and petty theft.

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12_Kobolds are keenly aware of their own weaknesses. Cowards and schemers, they never fight fair if they can help it, instead setting up ambushes and double-crosses, holing up in their warrens behind countless crude but ingenious traps.

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11_Guardians of significant natural wonders like mountains, large lakes, forests, and so on, jinushigami are the most powerful and revered of all kami, commanding the very forces of nature itself to ensure the safety and security of their wards.

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RotDE anniversary art.
Samurai Paladin of Tsukiyo and Warrior Priestess of Shizuru.

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