

Previously @secretlyjellal #UFM

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The worst ships 😶😂 How many people am I going to offend for hating on Nali 😳

16 76

When you see yourself in the mirror after getting your hair cut and look like a child 😳

22 119

Sorry I haven't been active for a couple of days, I've had to prepare for a drama audition 😬 back to normal tomorrow ☺️

3 74

Day 29: Why you love it ~ Put simply there's two main reasons. One, I met soo many people through it who are amazing ☺️❤️
Two, JERZA 😍😂

25 97

Day 28: Rate Fairy Tail out of ten ~ 100/10 👆 I have learnt and gained soo much from Fairy Tail! I would not be here if it weren't for it ❤️

34 120

Day 27: Favourite Kin of Purgatory ~ Meredy 😍🙈 if I said anyone else would have probably killed me 😂

3 74

Day 25: A Character you wish was real ~ Mavis, to make a real life Fairy Tail 👆

However is basically our mavis already 😂❤️

12 104

Day 24: Character with saddest past ~ I agree with Erza's past is definitely the saddest and hardest of all the characters 😭

12 94

Sooo me and are meeting for the first time irl tomorrow 🙈 So excited! Wish me luck 😉

The first meeting 😍

4 66

Day 21: Something you wished didn't happen ~ Ultear Milkovich becoming old 😭 Both her and Ul gave up their lives for Gray ❤️❄️

15 110