

ENTP // 28 // theythem // 🇨🇦🇭🇰🏳️‍🌈 ART IS SFWishh. I like McHanzo & R76⚠️PLEASE do not repost my art ever

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managed to do one warm up doodle before getting interrupted. orz

69 258

Might as well post this Lucio too. I drew him as a thank you gift for someone who went out of their way for me.

321 705

THERE. All 8 reaper beans accounted for.

179 524

Only did a few roughs of SEP Gabe and my 'sense of cute meter' is already dead. Is this uncanny? Too childish? I don't have the endurance for this. 😂

80 211

People who can draw cute things are powerful. I can sort of do it but I snap after a few hours in and I have to draw something edgy to balance it out. Never vice versa. asdfjkl;

aand that's how my previous twitter banner was born. It's a pure vent drawing.

31 120



Today's colour/muscle study. Sketch >> slap on base colours >> set sketch to 50% opacity >> define colours & form with a medium brush >> create new layer on top of everything. Refine some more.

70 327

art comparison. I don't feel like I improved a lot because several years of depression happened & it changed me a lot. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes I miss being who I used to be before it all BUT I'm still here and I'm feeling lot better now. That's what matters.

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sketchy losers on a date.

118 359

Well Monsieur MothHomme, u get a microsoft paint drawing i drew with my nondominant hand on a my laptop's trackpad.

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