

This is just a space to relieve my stress…

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So I finally post retrograde on
please read it minna-saaan

20 89

married couple

23 107

So all of sudden I have a new story idea and gotta sketch the new mc (rip my other wips)

1 12

horror movie night uwu
(using base from @.huga0822)

7 42

My one shot webtoon for "31 Ways to Runaway" will be posted tonight yay! (tbh I'm anticipating the comments lol bc it's been a while since I submitted something to webtun indo)

1 11

sebelum ajal menjemput

7 64

Btw baru buka tepitun lg trus baca CBAW. Ini taesung kerja apa jadi anak akademi bajunya ngepress body

1 5

Eh gambarku dipake buat promo 😂

0 7

Ya Allah taesung raka banget disini menangoss

0 7