

Astrology • currently not selling readings.

フォロー数:266 フォロワー数:41200

aries daily affirmation

511 2666

tell me virgos don’t look like them????

71 678

my favorite genre of memes is saturn memes

208 1157

Fixed signs 2021 moodboard

243 1305

Water Venus trying to hold in their love and affection

374 1614

Sagittarius are also concerned with morality — doing the ‘right’ thing for the sake of their community or society. They’re quite expressive when it comes to standing up for what they believe is right, which can be more subjective than objective.

9 109

Sagittarius is a zodiac sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion/abundance/generosity, long travel, religious and philosophical beliefs and higher education...

10 112

Everyone say thank you Casey for being the best fictional character ever

8 60

I write songs, poems or even short stories to feel a little more relieved and a bit better. Once I have the finished product in front of me I feel more in tune with my feelings. Only you can understand the intensity and complexity of your emotions and only you can help yourself.

22 378