

🔞 NSFW 🔞 | Millennial | Professional Fanfic Reader | Amateur Writer | Ocassional Artist | 1/3 of The Unholy Trinity

フォロー数:508 フォロワー数:215

Redrawing my chibi Pokémon. I think I'm starting to find my art style (do not quote me on that 🤣)

2020 2021

2 14

🧡💥 Happy 💫💗

Bakugou: Cute outfit, Cheeks...
Uraraka: *Giggles nervously* Uhh thanks, we're matching again!
Bakugou: *Smirks* Really cute...
Uraraka: *Gasps and blushes*
Bakugou: *KABEDON*
Uraraka: 😍😍😍

4 22