

Artist ✦ Read my comic → The Matter at Hand ✦ Existence is pain ✦ Post occasionally ✦ They/Them ✦

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:4233

Day ??? of drawing these two

1 66

Angy Aruka —

36 408

The Matter at Hand is now out!!
Hope you like it!

3 42

Calla Deremwill

0 36

Haha lizard boy go stab stab —

45 483

The Matter at Hand starts mid-February/March 2021

4 112

Comparing my art 2020 ~ 2018

0 75

No talk him he angy

1 79

Thank you everyone who sticked around!
I know the story could have been better but I’m happy with it

28 444