

Severa (she/her) — yumeships with Tenya Minami ❤️❤️❤️; oc/canon with Xane FE and Minami (9RIP) SHARING ❌ || oc artist || oc tag: #sev_ocs (more actve on 🦋)

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:265

Version without the cardigan.

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This took so long but it's finally done!! It's Reanne of course! She's super pretty, isn't she? 🥰

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Whelp, I finished it. Valeri is super cute in my style 😭😭😭😭

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<-- Feb 2021. July, 2021. -->

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I haven't drawn Ryder, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Tbh, I liked this better when it was only lineart.

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It's been a while since I last drew him. I love him so much ♥️ Honestly, drawing Doug is just me marking digital art improvement—because he was the first character/piece I drew digitally.

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I decided to draw our lovely heroine! I hope I did her some sort of justice! I don't really draw fanart but I loved drawing Seraphina 😊

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tried out simple gradient shading along with coloring the lineart. Kinda don't like how half the skin shading (which I did properly) didn't show up after png conversion :/

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repost bc layers don't look the same after I save the file as a png.

But yeah, haven't drawn Reanne in a minute so- yep.

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Describe yourself in 4 characters and assume something about me

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