

Severa (she/her) — yumeships with Tenya Minami ❤️❤️❤️; oc/canon with Xane FE and Minami (9RIP) SHARING ❌ || oc artist || oc tag: #sev_ocs (more actve on 🦋)

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:265

Hope you don't mind I qrt from you, Kash!

make an otome love interest character and let your oomfs decide what kind of story their route would have + possible seiyuu

I personally want to hear ideas 👀

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Can you tell I'm avoiding the thing that is shading clothes? I'm scared man. Even though I watched plenty of videos on how to apply wrinkles, I just can't draw them right :') so no wrinkles = no clothes shading--take the flats.

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okay 3rd time's the charm in catching errors.

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I was going to color the lineart but I'm too lazy so have this terrible coloring. low-quality vers ofc.

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I don't like this lol

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Without posting your age, post your earliest anime crushes.

-reposted bc I remembered an earlier one than the last one-

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look at him 🥰

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I got tired--I was tired of trying to figure out the rest of everything. But this is a major improvement in certain areas.

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By the way, here's the side-by-side comparison. I think the traditional drawing looks better overall, but the hair looks better digitally due to the way I refined the way I drew the sections.

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I do not know if I like this. But the eyes are an improvement? At least inner detail wise? /sighs/

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