

Miles | he/him | 21 | repost with credit | spam+suit alt @catboynine | casual pinkerton fan | @SleepyZoroark gayyy | 16+ PG-13 (blood) | autism supreme

フォロー数:879 フォロワー数:80143

ty for the chance!! added another ref in case protogens aren’t compatible :0
and my fav food is pasta🥺 and soup

2 80

go absolutely bonkers

295 2565

there he go :)

103 1102

bomks you with a wrapping paper tube

87 810

go crazy go stupid

44 413

no contexf

72 576

new funky pfp :)

21 388

(and slow version that i’m going to use for reference as well as my ref sheet :) I feel like a 360 view could help drawing him when i comm)

17 211


76 624