The Ancient Critter of the Dark Forest📍Denfur!さんのプロフィール画像

The Ancient Critter of the Dark Forest📍Denfur!さんのイラストまとめ

Crux🌲Artist🍄Writer🌳33🍂Bi Disaster, Queer as in fuck you 🌿It/Its, She/Her🍄Pagan🌳Multisuiter🌲Art in Media Tab☘️#Sylki🐇#ActuallyAutistic🌵Some NSFW💉x4

フォロー数:1159 フォロワー数:803

some of my favorite lines and angles, with a bit of claw and teef! :D

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"I'm not neurotypical, but anyone who does autim in a way I don't approve of is disturbed."

Cool story, Totally not ableist at all.

Anyway, check out some of my comfort characters y'all!!

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ahh thank you for this chance AJ!!

gonna toss you either my newest poke or sona who I should get more art of, your choice as to who if I winm♥

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Fidget is a sweet and playful little gachagon who never really grew up. She takes stickers in exchanges for stimtoys, and will keep going to the playground no matter how many people say she's "too old for that nonsense." She's a joyful creature who can light up any room she's in

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Bambi is a soft and shy chimeron. They prefer a quiet existence, enjoying evening walks, warm tea and soft, ambient music. You might find them socializing but mostly with fellow introverts like themselves, in a coffeeshop or a park or some other calm place.

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Stray and Kismet are mates - neither of whom ever laid down roots anywhere they had gone. The two now call the streets their home, but their lives are relatively peaceful. They most enjoy the twilight hours, the lights and sounds and energy of a city aglow with life.

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Sook here is a gargoyle - he lives in an ancient ruin deep within the forest. He collects statues and dearly cherishes each one, doing his best to keep them and his ruins safe from harm. He's calm and contemplative and a loner by nature, enjoying the company of few.

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