

Banner by DylphisSnuffs
24|Female|Anti-O|Artist & animator|Gamer & dev
Married to ❤️ @DylphisSnuffs ❤️

フォロー数:1476 フォロワー数:39

Happy Easter from Coco and birbs

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I guess since Knuckles is trending I might as well post this AU themed screenshot redraw.

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I draw furries and stuff, mostly jinmenkens though because they deserve better.

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He would probably look like this.

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Ooh, how exciting! Care to give this guy a shot? I can DM with more details.

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Made some iScribble stylized art while waiting for the real iScribble to open to the public. (Animal with humanoid face warning for people who don't like those and decide to target people for drawing it.)

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New avatar, banner will stay the same because my boyfriend's art is cute. ❤️

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I should start submitting art here so, here's this.

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