

Just some pixel artist, I've worked on games like Final Vendetta which is available now :

フォロー数:2177 フォロワー数:10912

Holy Shit..... 2.4K to Nearly 3K O_O.
Thanks Very Much Everybody :D

To show my Appreciation, here's the Complete Deltarune Run Animations for you all to mod or make a video with.

Thanks a bunch again and I hope you like everyone :D

691 2750

So you know that jojo pose thing I did with deltarune?
well here's the finished animation so it could be used in battle,
I also added more jojo poses in there because why not lol

Hope you all like :)

8721 23784

Now Here's Ralsei Running, This was alot simpler to make due to ralsei's limited detail with his sprites.

Hope you all like everyone :)

79 404

"Sigh.....your funeral......" the last one is done now,
and moral of the story is don't punch people in the face trying to be a badass(or don't avoid playing undertale lol)

hope you all like :)
Roxy and Zarland belong to

4 59

R....RUN KRIS!!!!!!!

Imagine if the beginning of the game was like this lol
anyways hope you all like :D

122 538

"Umm I meant the dummy not me...but I appreciate it though, thanks ^_^"
Ralsei is so likeable and huggable lol
So if you guys haven't checked out deltaruins by toby fox, DO SO because it's Absolutely Phenomenal.
Also thank and because they're Awesome and Cool :D

16 91

God damn it you just had to put it on a cliffhanger T_T
But in all seriousness Fantastic stuff (especially the animation too).

To celebrate the 3rd animated video and since it's Halloween today, here's a mini Pixelart of the cast.

Hope you all like everyone :D

15 116

"Adorable, you actually thought you could humor me.........."
Pretty much what happens if you pick on the wrong person(the worst in this
case) I'll probably continue this (once I think of giving my OC a slightly monstrous form)

Roxie and zarland belong to
enjoy :)

9 94