

I write fanfiction and doodle. Mostly just a dump of whatever thoughts cross my brain. 20s, she/her. Preferably 15+

フォロー数:342 フォロワー数:218

Looking at the cover again and my beloveds… I wanna see more creepy Kit in the comics themselves

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I love Surge in these panels, but I also adore how Kit is starting to emote more too, he’s starting to get a bit more bold and work past just being subservient and it’s so good.

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this from the art page is also adorable

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Got this adorable commission from !

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I am so sorry but this is a reference to an actual thing that happened in the archie sonic comics. His egg got nuked to give him superpowers.

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scourge will have one thing over surge and that is he was allowed to (censored) swear and it was hilarious because he was like the only character who actually did it and it made him look even more like a petulant teenager

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Idw spoilers /// Okay I won’t post any plot spoilers bc it just came out but I’m loving it so far and I love her and Kit is adorable

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I love her I love her I love her

0 3 found a cute picrew but it doesn't have clothes, my sona and timber came out okay but devi honey...

0 0 I like it when picrews give me an option to make it look like twix just rolled off a lab table after somebody sucked out half her blood. she's supposed to look like she's defying god by existing.

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