


フォロー数:5065 フォロワー数:1094

¿Divorcio? ¡Las cosas se pusieron fuertes para los esposos Pittman, Zig nos trajo un capitulo digno de leery fiel a la novela, otra novela digna de leer y tan realista que sin duda ojala la hagan serie algun dia ¡Se lo merece!

1 10

From Sk8 the infinity I hope they make a second season and movie if possible this anime is so cool and excellent 100/100

0 1

Happy Birthday Saga and Kanon and All Giminis 💜ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

6 29

My God, Keith Knight Pittman, you are loved and hated at the same time, reread the Kiss Me Liar novel hahahaha

2 31

Haruki really is a character to admire, a great leader of his band and a humble human being who thinks of others, with a noble heart, without a doubt I really liked how he handled the situation (1/2)

8 23

Mafuyu and Uenoyama looking at Given's new sneakers with their names on them

0 23