

Funny 🅿️-site:

フォロー数:420 フォロワー数:9459

Alright, imma 'bout to do it, it's version of Day 1, featuring mah boi Max and his genital slit , oh yeah

13 68

Already shared this on FA but here it is as well, some spooksy iceberg tip beluga

22 139

Fellas, did you know that uhmm... shame drew art for a garfield fanzine? Neither did I.

12 70

An epic tale of and increasingly gruesome and bloody transformations, commissioned by DanGamer649 at FA

21 96

Vent art? You bet son.

6 71

Example cat's story: 4.0 you can(not)retrieve your password.
As A way to flesh out her character rather than being just a pretty fuzzball, in the final months as a tumblr user I tave her and her brother proffession, a teacher and lawyer.

12 75

Example cat's story:catnip crusaders.
Short time after example cat was created our dear tumblr anons were not satisfied with a single example cats, so more philosophical cats, and anons, I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun doing these.

7 65

Example cat's story: interlude.
Example cat had grown considerably popular, well...more like she got a couple fanart pics, noticing that, shame decided to create Evidence cat, as a spinoff for those who prefer big fluffy guys, feaaturing eyeless shamebull.

3 35

Example cat's story part 2: one of shame's favorite pastimes is and has always been drawing weird random stuff,likewise, one of my followers favorite pastime was making random statements.

8 62

Some fella on FA asked me if I had the pictures I had done of Example cat, did some scavenging on my old tumblr profile and here is example cat's story part 1.

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