

Mostly FF - R36L10R59R97 - 🚫Ai

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:139

They look amazing, as expected from the artist.

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That bone structure though...

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“I’m only gonna spend money on mobage if it’s for Vincent”

Ever since they announced Ever Crisis, I knew it was next in line.

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Can we please keep Vincent’s location in Nibelheim on his key artwork?

INB4 Vincent crouching on top of Fort Condor 😆

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Now to wait for Turk Vincent keychain, like the other alt outfits.

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Every year I get something Vincent related for my BD, shipping is on hold for the US, and I can’t believe the perfect gift was just handed to me, no shipping required.

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I'll take 13 in one summon.

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Beautiful FF illustrations to celebrate the New Year 🎉

I hope it’s another amazing year for Final Fantasy.

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Sometimes when I hear The Nightmare Begins’ arrangements they remind of a ballroom dance in a mansion.

In FF7R, I want to see the Shinra Manor come back to life and, hopefully, one of many arrangements of that song playing in the background.

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