

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:799

89. Then, Kara has a naughty idea: she changes her position on the bed and, instead of facing Lena's face, the kryptonian spins 180º, so she finds herself now in front of the earthling vagina.

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88. Kara and Lena's crotchs, also, start to rub reciprocally, causing their owners to stop their smooching from time to time in order to moan properly.

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87. After that, both women throw themselves to the bed and resume the kissing, adding more naughty movements to her coitus: they knock together their breasts at the same time, squashing their boobs against each other.

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86. Once in the bedroom, Lena starts to take off her clothes. And Kara, collaborative, helps her hairdresser.

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85. Hardly, the pair is led to Lena's bedroom by the owner of the house, without stopping the kisses or the caresses.

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84. Then, both girls look each other to the eyes... And their passion overflows: they kiss reciprocally, wildly and affectionately at the same time.

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83. At first, Lena is surprised, but she, five seconds later, returns the smooch.

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82. Kara barely lets Lena finish the sentence: she stands up fast and kisses the other bald woman on the lips, gently.

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81. At first, Lena remains silent and blushes. But, after a while, she confess:

"Yes... You are pretty attractive as a baldie... And when I watched your soaked panties, I have to admit that this image was awesome..."

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80. "Hey, Lena" Kara ventures. "... Have I turned you on?"

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