

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:799

335. In order to help Rebecca, Helen goes one step beyond: she jumps and hook her legs around Ofidio's torso, kicking the villain's stomach repeatedly.

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334. Hurt and furious, Ofidio lets go of Rebecca's wrist and punches her in the face... But the bard, stoically, doesn't relinquish her bite. On the contrary, she bites even harder.

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333. But, under him, Ofidio has forgotten Rebecca: yeah, her torso and one of her arms are still trapped... but not the rest of her body, so she bites with all her forces one of Ofidio's arm, so he can't concentrate on Helen.

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332. "What the...?!" Ofidio can say before understanding what is happening.

As the warrior he is, Ofidio tries to remain calm and preserve the oxygen that his lungs still have. Next, he tries to grab one of Helen's wrists to press it and force Helen to abandon the chokehold.

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331. So, when Ofidio is ready to rape Rebecca, unseen, Helen extracts the wire from one of her earring and slipping silently behind her enemy, suddenly, starts to asphixiate him.

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330. These earrings are pretty special, because these jewels contain hidden weapons: a roll of very resistant wire that can easily strangle someone.

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329. Ofidio has committed four mistakes:

First: Turn his back on Helen.

Second: Be so despicable in her presence.

Third: Be hurting Rebecca.

Fourth (and most significant): The fact that he didn't take off Helen's earrings from her ears.

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328. "Please, don't do this to me!" Rebecca begs as she cries, desperated, as Ofidio shatters the skirt of her dress.

"Sorry, darling" Ofidio says as he forces Rebecca to position her face down. "The strong ones lead and the weak ones obey: this is the law of the world".

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327. "You are hurting me!" Rebecca groans. "You don't need to be so rude...!".

"Oh, you are so innocent..." Ofidio laughs. "But it will not last so long and soon you will be as lewd as your dear Swan..." the lanunian assures.

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326. "Don't worry, Swan, your turn will come later: first, she; next, you; and, finally, both at the same time".

Before Rebecca can't say or do anything, Ofidio, fast as a snake, spins and traps her under his weight, tightening her wrists with his hands.

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