

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

299. "Precisely: I bet they won't be recognized" Beatrice argues. "And they look... atypically, yes, but astonishing too."

"I suppose you are right... Well, women, this is the plan..." and Alonso explains his strategy to his allies, with positions, times, coordination...

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298. "Don't be so rude, Alonso!" Beatrice reprehends.

"But they don't look like themselves! Not only because of their heads, but for the gunk and the outfits..." Alonso defends.

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297. ... And Helen and Rebecca show themselves to their allies.

"What the...?!" Alonso screams.

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296. Some time later, Beatrice and Alonso observe movement behind the folding screen.

"Are you ready at last?" Alonso asks, impatient.

"Give us ten seconds and we will come up" Rebecca begs.

"Don't worry, Helen!" Beatrice encourages. "I am sure you will look astonishing..."

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295. "I got it: a femme fatale look will work magically against Ofidio! Now, be still, Helen..."

"Ok..." Helen sighs, resigned.

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293. "Now the question is..." Rebecca asks herself, like if she was a painter in front of a new canvas. "...what kind of look could Ofidio like?"

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292. Rebecca's eyes shine.

"What a challenge and incredible opportunity! You are gonna look stunning when I finish with you!"

"Oh, oh!" Helen thinks. In fact, she is gonna be like a doll for Rebecca.

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