

Bald female fetish

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80. Now it's Helen's turn.

Her ballad doesn't start epicly, but as a tragedy, with two little brothers who became slaves after a lanunian raid.

The brothers go through terrible experiences as slaves: work hard until their hands bleed, sleep chained, eat only mush...

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79. The crowd likes the poem pretty much: good rhyme and rhythm, equalizing both Asmens and Lanun, linking the two territories by their best portraits.

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78. In a very documented and epic ballad, Rebecca sings about the parallel history of both kingdoms, with their biggests achievements, heroes and wars, dreaming of the bright future and achievements that will come with the unification.

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77. And then, in the middle of the delight of lanunians and asmensians equally, the animating shows begin: jugglers, dancers, actors, duelists... and, of course, bards.

Rebecca goes first. She plays her lute rhythmically and methodically while she sings about Asmens and Lanun.

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76. The ceremony takes place with perfect normality and Beatrice and Tamadun swear each other eternal love.

Officially, Asmens and Lanun are one now: no more wars or conflicts between these two places.

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75. The King is so proud of the woman who her daughter has become and predicts she will be a formidable ruler. He has to give thanks for knowing Tamadun, a "true knight" in his words, and a gentle son-in-law.

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74. Bride and groom, timidly and blushed, greet each other while King Alan starts the ceremony.

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73. Finally, the bride appears: Beatrice is radiant and magnificent!

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72. On the other side, the prince Tamadun, the future Beatrice's husband.

Helen can verify that the Princess was right about him: is polite, reasonable, abolitionist... and pretty handsome too.

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71. There it is the godfather, King Alan the Prudent, a sovereign who in all his reign has never started a war, which all the good things that this implies for the economy. He is not loved only for this reason, but for his true interest in the well-being of their nationals.

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