Shawn Lenore | How to be a Werewolf comicさんのプロフィール画像

Shawn Lenore | How to be a Werewolf comicさんのイラストまとめ

I live near Chicago in Indiana. Most of my time is devoted to my sweet webcomic, How to be a Werewolf. Tiny lesbian. #hiveworks
email: shawnlenore@gmail

フォロー数:1816 フォロワー数:5569 New page! Please leave the trees alone, they're already so angry at us.

38 125

It's time and I make the webcomic How to be a Werewolf, which is a comic about werewolves and werewolf accessories. Thank you.

51 128 New page! We had our nice moment of standing around, just two dudes in the woods.

24 73 New page! We're problem solving in the human ways today, friends

25 77

I don't recall knowing anyone who actually wore workout clothing like this in the 80s (as per usual, real life was a lot more boring), but I just want to understand why any of this was ever deemed practical for working out? The wedgie alone would make exercise unpalatable 🙃

4 40 New page! Baseball, sunshine, fields,'s a good thing.

25 77 New page! Sometimes, you gotta get past your feelings and just accept things as they are, bro

15 60 New page! Let's play baseball alone in the woods for the rest of the chapter! That's not a metaphor for anything, is it?

20 68

Hi internet, I make a comic called How to be a Werewolf and sometimes I make other things as well (we didn't decide on plural or not did we)

20 51