Shawn Lenore | How to be a Werewolf comicさんのプロフィール画像

Shawn Lenore | How to be a Werewolf comicさんのイラストまとめ

I live near Chicago in Indiana. Most of my time is devoted to my sweet webcomic, How to be a Werewolf. Tiny lesbian. #hiveworks
email: shawnlenore@gmail

フォロー数:1816 フォロワー数:5569 New page! SEVEN HUNDRED PAGES WHAAAT?? I forgot it's Wednesday, but these dudes keep looking at each other regardless.

16 55

I've been having a great time doing my once-a-decade Gundam Wing rewatch, everyone.

64 158

Idk what today's webcomics discourse is about. I make How to be a Werewolf because I wanted to do something with the genre I hadn't seen before (a TASK) and I did it. I made a new werewolf story and I made it pretty to look at. People like it a lot and that's what matters to me.

11 111

I guess my theme for this year's is fire? I'm Shawn and I make the webcomic How to be a Werewolf, first volume available for purchase later this year!

18 51 New page! Aubrey is emphatic about...everything, kind of.

19 75

I'm reviewing old chapters to help keep stuff straight for the next chapter, and I still just really like my webcomic, y'all.

13 107

Happy 7th anniversary to my webcomic, How to be a Werewolf :D.

52 194 New page! Let's discuss Tom's issues while he wanders in the woods, moodily.

21 61