

Banner&Pfp : @ HappyDino on Deviantart

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I won this cute chibi sticker from and I'm so in love with them! It's his 1000 Twitter Followers art raffle. Have a good day everyone!

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My fox turd sona. Michael Moore aka Sheyzee. The best concept i've ever had. Since I wanna be a DJ but making it into a zootopia AU is so much fun. Check him out here : Art was drawn by me, &

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I ditched the idea overall not only because I suck at writing, let alone drawing comics, but also because this whole thing is too Fast n furious to stand on its own.
But it was exciting, pushing my comfort zone a bit, even if it failed.

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They are Palestine, their stories are real and happening every day, you may get tired of their cries, but the world has forsaken them many times, and the oppressors are never tired of killing and trying to get rid them of their land

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Back when used to make good stuff in the good ol' days

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