

some 30yo queer girl's MTG focused account

For things that go past a pg-13 rating you may be looking for @SheepwaveN or @sheepwaveHDG

フォロー数:1405 フォロワー数:6960

hold on ill just edit the last time i drew the inside of your abdomen RQ

0 9



Anything with magnezone tends to be pretty fire

0 9

The dedication of pokemon fans to create custom art for such a massive portion of pokemon fusions is incredible

5 131

my gf just sent me this and im scared

8 221

Crossover secret lairs are cute and all but I still think they're way too married to the default look of magic, rather than exploring what can be done. I get it tho, not everyone can be me 😌

9 101

im probably not the first person to think of this design but it is damn cool

0 26

what magic card i put this on girls

1 88

i have improved as an artist to a degree i legit never thought would be possible with my vision disability

1 73