Shelbye Karrさんのプロフィール画像

Shelbye Karrさんのイラストまとめ

My name is Shelbye and I am a freelance comic artist and graphic designer!

フォロー数:380 フォロワー数:222

Reject conflict; become salmon.

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The truth that the media doesn't want you to know about Pixie Dust.

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John Ralphio voice: 'The WOOORRRSSSTTTTT'

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Getting stabbed with an iron dagger: Sucks.
Getting stabbed with any other sharp implement: Also sucks, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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I mean, I'm pretty sure a little fae madness never hurt anybody. Right? Maybe? I'm like 95% sure.

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In case you were under any kind of illusion that Ilex was the serious one in this relationship - false, she will use Thorn's powers to her advantage to cause as much chaos as possible, primarily towards her little brother Lucas.

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The take away here is; don’t talk to strangers, eat all your veggies, and don’t climb on random horses because you will die!

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Now that we've gotten the serious things out of the way, it's time for the all important introductions where Thorn goes toe to toe with the infamous Nunya Business.

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Talesin 'Commit To The Bit' Seabhac everybody.

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*the jaws theme starts to play* Oh no wait it's just Thorn by bad.

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