

Be gay, do witchcraft🌈
all pronouns 23yo
French 2D animator and environnement artist on a Genshin brainrot

フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:469

i started it in march last year for draw this in your style but never finished it back then :')

This was his original image ✨

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Me vs confort character

This peanut, which i though was my first and only crush on a fictif character when i was younger but turn out it was just gender envy 👌👁️👄👁️

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Dans un manga je serais le perso qui passe d'une identité à l'autre entre une féminine et une masc badass, et qui passerais son temps a flirter, et il faudrait attendre le 5ème tome avant que les gens se rendent compte que les deux sont la même personne

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made a halloween one and a classic one

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you know what ? Let's fuckin go

*add the non binary flag to their flags*

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The first time i didn't saw the mouths at the end and the result looked even more drunk

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