

masih suka mnggambar



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Udh lama egk post gambar,ni hasil komis aku buat kak clove on ig🫶💖🌷✨️ luthu bgt aku gambar guguk pomeranian😎☝️ anyway semangat puasanya wlau kerink,semoga lancarrr✨️

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HELLOOOO !!! I'm Shil and i reallyyyy love to draw a moments!(?)🐥🌷✨️💕 idk what iam saying but i love drawing and i enjoy it every single progress my art journey. I hope yall happy to seeing my art! Hehehe

You can find me on instagram too: usn

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U-UD-UDH LAMA BGT GA POST DI SINIIII pas buka akun ni pantas aku bersin brsin karena udh bedebu bgt!!! I'm deeply apologize to my moots to being unactive in twitter😔🥺
ANYYYYWAYYY!!! ini collab aku sama ❤️❤️✨️ so happy akhirnya koleb gambar sama Rummie terealisasi❤️

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Aloooo 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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TUMPENGAN🥳🥳udh mencapai 500 ajh ternyata wh aku senang aku senang. Thank you so mwahh buat semuaaa yg udah mau repot² bermutual sm aku yg merepotkan inih,lopyu fully fully full🫶 and alsoooo happy mothers day❤❤sekalian tumpengnya buat hari Ibu deh yeah hehehe

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Helloo im Shil, part too! I'm in phase love to explore anything in my drawing journey,and i enjoy it so much. But one things absolute(?) about me is i really like draw a girls !

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Her name is Pinchka💐 suka bget ni anak sm yg hejo-hejo

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Ni aku post deh d sni! Gtau itu ada ulet,tp uletnya kurang

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happy mornin!!!😽😽😽

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