

Digital Artist▫️ Dark Fantasy ▫️ Member of @posterposse ▫️ Commissions/ Other Enquiries:
[email protected] ▫️

フォロー数:616 フォロワー数:173310

A wrenching nostalgia, a lost joy, an object of obsession, and a sincere hope to reclaim it…
Could these thoughts belong to the beast from the Abyss?
But if that were true, then perhaps it is no beast after all?

485 2713

Nameless King of the Storm
NK boss fight third phase😆 Since the first two werent enough

687 3446

Havel the Rock
How many deaths before you got him in Undead Burg? 😆

903 4529



Oceiros, the Consumed King, was infatuated with the search for moonlight, but in the end, it never revealed itself to him
One of the best OSTs in the game! Although the fight was nothing special, lore wise super interesting.

255 1716

The Lost Sinner eternally punishes herself for the sins of her past
Going into the last half of this years Soulstober and things are about to heat up!

646 3822

The Wolf, Hawk, Hornet and Lion

987 5143

The Four Knights of Gwyn were Lord Gwyn's most accomplished warriors
Finally completed the entire set!

2368 9081

