

Digital Artist▫️ Dark Fantasy ▫️ Member of @posterposse ▫️ Commissions/ Other Enquiries:
[email protected] ▫️

フォロー数:616 フォロワー数:173321

His indomitable will and sheer passion to seek his own sun were all he had. In the end, its his will that lets him become truly incandescent 🔥
Lets all try and follow Solaire's example and keep cheerful through these tough times. Keep going, and dont you dare go hollow🌞

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Also, go check out some of the stuff Ive done for 😊

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true awakened form☠️ Just a fun painting done to take a break from the usual stuff I've been doing😅

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Seek Paleblood the transcend the hunt 🔥

32 306

"When the red moon hangs low, the line between man and beast is blurred. And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with child"
Strangely, I paint Moon Presence during the start of each year😅

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"Gael knew he was no Champion, that the dark soul would likely ruin him and that he had little hope of a safe return"
Is Gael a fitting end to the Soul's series?

703 3156

I dont paint Artorias that much🤔

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"Thou are strong, human Surely thine kind are more than pure dark I beg of thee, the spread of the abyss, must be stopped"
Artorias' legend is actually a lie, the true victor of the Abyss is us. But does that make him any less of a legend?

391 1539

Hey there! Im Shimhaq, a digital artist from Maldives. I love painting monsters and other dark fantasy stuff. So if you have any work related to that genre, hit me up in my DM's😅 You can find me on Instagram under the same handle🔥

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Long ago, when the Millwood Knights lost the forest they called home, they began a journey so long that even thoughts of their sworn enemy washed away, replaced by a vision of a cold and brittle wood
How awesome are these dudes in the DLC?

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