shipper ㋐ stan vampire Jesus 🥀🌹✨🐍🍽️🐸🐸🏳️‍🌈㋐さんのプロフィール画像

shipper ㋐ stan vampire Jesus 🥀🌹✨🐍🍽️🐸🐸🏳️‍🌈㋐さんのイラストまとめ

lesbian | 26 yo | she/her | Polish | BA in Jpn & TL | ~Visual Prison, Sk8, Twst, Sarazanmai, YOI, seasonal anime & other thoughts~ NOT SPOILER-FREE 日本語OK!

フォロー数:1468 フォロワー数:5188

Honestly I love this Eve going off on Gil bc you can really tell they've lived together for 10 years (though I don't think this was mentioned in the anime yet?) and this is far from the first time Gil is pulling some shit on them lol

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Anyway I'm excited for ep 6 because we'll see OZ figuring out their makeup and costumes and holding their first concert, and I like little details like that 🥰

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I love how Gil is standing there like,,, has everyone forgotten this is my house,,,

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Visual Prison 🤝 Twisted Wonderland

Ancient vampires deciding that
gender conformity is overrated

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Hrmm I'm thinking that first Lost Eden poster is foreshadowing for the anime like

Beth with the apple = fruit of knowledge
Jack being, well, the way he is with Saga lol

which leaves us with the promise of Mist biting Saga 👀👀👀

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Mikado: H-He's not my boyfriend!
Erika: You're not fooling anyone dear 😏

Also "you let him do all that to you and he isn't even your boyfriend?" - when will people stop slut-shaming poor Mikado, you shouldn't need to date someone to get your soul fisted on the regular🤘😔

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Anyway, what is it with vampires and foot fetishes? 😏

(Left is Visual Prison, right is Vassalord)

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Yeah I think I'm never getting over Guiltia being born on the 24th of December, literally having a crown of thorns hat and a song about *checks notes* BEING CRUCIFIED

If this is some 200 IQ propaganda campaign for Christianity then by god, is it working 😏

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Okay but why does Dimitri look like Adam with slightly bleached hair and without a shirt? 🤣

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