

friendly neighborhood bisexual I've got too many ships & I can't escape them (gender fluid any pronouns are fine) fan account

フォロー数:416 フォロワー数:4024

To every homophobic transphobic &biphobic person in the Supergirl fandom let me tell you this

Supergirl wouldn't want you here

Kara's best friend in comics is nonbinary
Kara was there for maxima as she came out
Kara herself is queer

So get your bigoted asses out of this fandom

61 197

Supercorp + babies = dreams come true

Creds: Sango-blep

44 142

Miss her? Yes we've been looking for her since the end of season 1

Girls been missing for the last two years

56 174

Supercorp/SwanQueen symbol

bonus separate SwanQueen & Supercorp symbols

33 105

Is really trying to kill the Supercorp fandom

Cause really everytime he makes new Supercorp art we die of excitement

90 275