

Hi:Deep Fried Visual Artist.
Anthropologist field researcher of base humans.

フォロー数:252 フォロワー数:10

On average,it only takes 10 seconds to get into a car crash Skrrr Skrrr eeeee Kaboom

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Hey yo bruh, so what type of pre-workout and fat burners you taking, are you going to full clean keto cringe, Bruh, guy, at least half your body weight on one arm bro, a least on that, or else you're not going hard enough, oh no too much pre-workout get the ACH

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Sounds pretty nice, I hope it has water sound effects like trickles or waterfalls or Whirlpool effects, either way it sounds like it's going to be pretty fire, can't wait,hype

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It could mean, if you're working out, that your work is making progress, and that is getting more defined not losing the thickness, do not be alarmed, it could be a good thing LOL

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It sounds like someone can't read how do you get stuck in soup LoL just eat your way out of it then lol 🤣

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If I can't make it at the house I ordered out, if I can make it at the house I eat it in, on a diet or not a diet,

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Great 👍 Space 🌌🚀 🐠 Fishing 🎣 You Gurate Last Night, Here's some Polaroids of the Trip Shauna

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