

I really like Patapon. Artist for @patafour, Previous 3D artist for @PataNext, Co-Dev Patapon 3 DxD.
25, He/Him
(Banner by @nayukita_kmn)
Personal: @chortletusk

フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:736

The player characters, named "ラタッタ" (Ratatta) are a sort of equivalent to uberheroes in Patapon 3, while the Patapon equivalents are named "コーラス" (Chorus). Chorus are mysterious creatures that live all over the planet and love the music that the Ratatta make.

5 16

I really like the frog from JabberWocky because none of the sound lines are coming from the megaphone. That thing is off. The frog is naturally very loud.

13 56

I made an HD Cannassault mask today, I'm pleased with how it came out./私が製カノッサルタンマスク今日!

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Hey , what do you think of this so far?

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ffine heres some patafour art

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