shouri 🐾さんのプロフィール画像

shouri 🐾さんのイラストまとめ

※fujoshi ※potentially NSFW (20↑) ☆ ENG/עב/日本 ☆ mentally tired ☆ ask for permission ☆ 💖@shokikita ☆ storyboard and thumbnail artist 🌸

フォロー数:1026 フォロワー数:17177

all i draw now are slutty karamatsus 😕

56 150

i doodled some ronps

79 121

this was my submission to the nenchuu zine! please check it for more cute content

133 215

The moon today is the most beautiful one we've had.

26 26

what day is it even? another

36 68