

direction / art / design behind Jack and Casie. previously a freelance pixel artist

フォロー数:733 フォロワー数:2309

ive noticed that with every other female character i try a ganguro palette first before moving onto literally any other color scheme. this includes casie. im not sure if ganguro was even around back then (in the kayfabe 80s) (that is to say, the 90s)

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new Jack and Casie Kickstarter update. talking about background art, workflow improvements, and the hugeness of my own balls

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posting a kickstarter update for jack and casie tomorrow, about the new (super fucking fast) bg workflow and how much fuckin effort it took to approximate some mysterious japanese animator's 20 minute bg sketch

(i'm still finishing something so ill post in the morning)

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One more update to this whole mess, clarifying some misunderstandings (in particular, 's innocence) and other mistakes in yesterday's post. It's another long, painful post.

thank you again for all your support, and i am sorry for any confusion

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and now, back to the wall

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by the way: the solution was to physically scar him

this had the unforeseen side effect of bringing his robot pants into starker contrast

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ok so my problem is that this guy kinda looks like a borderlands loader, but i don't want anyone to get the impression that i like or endorse borderlands

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design process gif of the Hiwayman (tntv), the Chapter 2 bonus boss. full video is up on patreon

( t/n: i do not have a patreon )

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spent 5 hours trying to nail this fuck's pose before caving and just aping the box art of some zoids ps2 game

obviously, i feel like i cheated, but i feel better knowing i found a way to turn an actual literal organic wolf into a more apropo super robot thing

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update: increased fluff for hair, tail, armor. still dont remember her name

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