

UTC+3 | Any pronouns | 24 y.o. | Digital artist, currently Rain World'ing | UKR|ENG | pfp by @didko_lysyy

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:14708

Is this Yuppieee
I'm Shped and I'm a big fan of vibrant critters 👁️👄👁️

85 543



Many hands, many faces

66 636

Little holiday raffle, winner gets this catmoth!
Just RT to enter, will end in 48 hours
Good luck and happy holidays ✨

565 1788

Hellish year
Can't believe that I had will to draw
Maybe because it's the only thing that keeps me afloat and sane

22 133

Would you dare to kiss it

10 209

Little something while I'm busy
A raffle for this design! Just RT to enter
Will close in 48hrs
Good luck 🦉

238 927

Carnotaurus wife

1169 8614