

Silently H0dling my bags

フォロー数:4243 フォロワー数:6966

My 2nd acquisition in May,

The Ol'Pilot Radiant Ruby!

Why is he special? Not just the only Radiant Ruby Pilot, the only perfectly obscured Radiant Ruby. You can never id him instantly. Perfect for tactical moves!

And, he has Donatello's Bō Staff🐢🪄


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The grey+black colour theme of my squad continues:
- first was Golem w/ 'Red' Rose
- then came Ninja w/ 'Rose' Gold mask & 'Red' Eyes
- & now, Motorcorp w/ 'Red' Helmet

Falling deeply in love w/ art of

Thankful I found Renga🙏Happy Thanksgiving!

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While the addition of the Shadow Dancer & the Golem with matching colour scheme was a great steal, the biggest haul of yesterday was him!

Lo and behold - 1/10 Cosmic Beard Toker Alchemist!

Back in the Cosmic Beard gang! Cant get enough of the art 4m

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Welcome home, Shadow Dancer Ninja!

Another addition after the Golem 5 days ago. And do you see the striking colour theme? 😉

The Golem offers hope, the last standing Rose. The Ninja puts on the Rose gold mask to energise the world.

Smashing art by

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Proud to hold the 'Lost' piece of by

Out of 100 genesis pieces, only 2 will exist where Pip is in a monochromatic world.

Piece was auctioned yesterday. Cant wait for the whole collection to be out.

PS: 2nd monochrome hasnt been created yet 😉

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GM. Had always wished to be a part of but my eye was always on the APEsome base - for obv reasons 😄

They were always at 1.5E/2E but today opp showed up at .45E & for a wayfarer. Iconic!!

Finally my journey with starts & with the piece of my choice

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So it remains true, the best auctions are won after 2AM. Secured the Radioactive Banana by genesis collection

Captivating pieces created by

Wouldnt have found their work if I hadnt become a Pathfinder

Now back to bed again😁

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The best auctions are won after 2AM. I remember getting my mutant (my pfp) in a fierce price war late into the night and now this lovely piece of - 1 of only 2 colourless pieces that'll exist!

Stoked to join in her journey! and now, off to bed again😄

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The CHIMPMOVEMBER has started!

I am growing it thick and long!


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