

keep it cool, keep the mood androgynous | old art acc: @vectorttheavens

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:2274

i hope we don't see king grow up just cause I fear we will just get this again

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finer details! like adding shadows within the shadows. my rendering is a bit more subtle than what a lot of people do but this is with and without rendering

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happy trans day of visibility to them

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for this one I STRUGGLED coloring amity cause the glow kept making her look like the simpsons. I didn't even have to think when coloring luz, brown skin is just so much easier to work with in this lighting

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okay I won't actually do all of them cause some of them would just be boring. like I'm sorry but the morena one would just be someone's face and I don't wanna do that. but these would be fun to do

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I already got my team alien fit ready 😏

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