Silent Sanctum Mangaさんのプロフィール画像

Hello, !
You have a cool art style!
Anyways, here are some of my works:

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Congratulations on reaching 2.1k. Here's to several more Ks in the future!

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I recently just had it printed!
Would be working on the 2nd book pretty soon.

is about a 180-year-old vampiress who just got kicked out of their ancestral castle. She now has to figure out all these "adult" stuff on her own. And that's it!

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I recently had my comics printed.
And it only took me 4 months to finish everything.
Currently just waiting for a booth/table so that I could officially unveil it at a local convention. Hopefully soon.

Anyone else interested, you could read it here:

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Very late to the party but you know what they say...better late than never!

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Hi Becca!
Same thing! I started drawing my pages late last year (around August) and now I have enough pages to print my very own issue 1. A journey of a thousand miles truly does begin with a single step. Break a leg on your comics! And whatever happens, never ever give up!

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