Silent Sanctum Mangaさんのプロフィール画像

Ah yes, the first half of 2021!
AND HEY, I was able to make Komiks again.
And that's always a good thing!
So here are 4 of my best (???) works so far, I guess?

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Kamusta, !
I'm Dark Chapel but you could also call me "Chaps".
If you don't know who I am then you should research a little bit more!
I draw Pinoy or generation-specific puns. I also draw lewd things and is somewhat kinda good at it! Ayun lang naman!

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Lahat ng hindi niyo nabili nung mga nakaraang Komikon.
: The Greatest Hits!
Read it to yourself or read it out loud just make sure to tell a friend!

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First off, congratulations on reaching such a milestone!
That number is very near and dear to my heart since I am Darkchapel666!
I also do commissions, if that's your cup of tea.
And my favorite color is Purple.

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Kroto from Identity V.
The only changes I made were on the patterns on her stockings.

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It's me, Dark Chapel from the notorious Silent Sanctum Manga(SSM!) gang.
Your all-around Illustrator, komik book artist and art teacher.
A year has passed and I'm still up to no good, I guess?

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